Symplocos konishii
Hayata, Icones Plantarum Formosanarum 5: 105. fig. 25-a. 1915. (Icon. Pl. Formos.)
Symplocos spicata Roxb. var. acuminata Brand
Bobua konishii (Hayata) Kanehira & Sasaki
Symplocos theophrastaefolia Sieb. & Zucc.
Symplocos laurina (Retz.) Wall. ex G. DonLi, Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences 43: 108. 1953. (J. Wash. Acad. Sci.)
Symplocos cochinchinensis (Lour.) S. Moore ssp. laurina (Retz.) Noot.
中台東山礬. 小西氏山礬.
英Konishi sweet leaf.
日こにしはいのき. こにしかんざぶろうのき. かんざぶろうのき.
Yeh-Ching Liu, Fu-Yuan Lu & Chern-Hsiung Ou, Trees of Taiwan revised . 1994. (Tr. Taiwan rev. ed.)
Yang, A list of plants in Taiwan . 1982. (List Pl. Taiwan)
- Evergreen trees; twigs gray-brown, terete; young twigs thick, green, glabrous, ridged below petioles; terminal buds obliquely ovoid, rusty tomentose to pubescent; apex acuminate, often slightly curved.
- Leaves coriaceous, narrowly obovate to narrowly oblong, 12–18 cm long, 4–6 cm wide; apex acuminate, base cuneate to shortly attenuate, margins often slightly recurved, glandular-dentate with teeth, teeth 3–5(–6) mm apart, shiny on upper surface, glabrous, midrib impressed on upper surface, very prominent on lower surface, nerves 8–10 pairs, prominent on both surfaces, petiole glabrous, adaxially sulcate, 15–25 mm long.
- Inflorescences axillary, a spikes, usually branched at base, (2.5–)3–5(–6) cm long, axis pubescent, bracts depressed ovate, 1.5–2 mm long, apex obtuse to acute, bracteoles 2, depressed ovate to kidney-shaped, about ca. 1.5 mm long, apex obtuse to acute; both persistent, keeled, adaxially glabrous, abaxially pubescent, margin ciliate. Calyx tube glabrous, 0.5–1 mm lognhigh, lobes imbricate, ovate, 1–1.5 mm long, apex obtuse, abaxially appressed pubescent, margin ciliate; corolla white, ca. 5 mm long, deeply 5-lobed, lobes narrowly elliptic, tube ca. 1 mm long; stamens 60–70, shortly monadelphous to indistinctly pentadelphous; disc annular, later pulvinate, glabrous; style glabrous, ca. 5 mm long, ovary 3-locular, with 4 ovules 4 perin each locule.
- Fruits globose to ampulliform, 5–6 mm in diam., persistent calyx lobes surrounding pulvinate disc ; stones ampulliform, slightly grooved, 4–5 mm long, 4–5 mm in diam.; mesocarp thin, endocarp woody, seed 1, twice curved, with similarly curved embryo.
- 台灣 : 600–2,200 m altitude.
- 世界 : The Ryukyus (Iriomote Is.).
TAIPEI: in montibus Kusshaku, Anonymous; Rimogan to Mt. Kueimuh, Keng & Kao s. n.; Peichatienshan, Peng 7422. ILAN: Taipingshan, Suzuki 237; Tayenshan, Kao K3210; Wulai-Ilan, Huang 883. TAOYUAN: from Peitzatenshan (Takaishan) to Shauurai, Minaki et al. 2128; Paling to Lalashan, Lu 12770. HSINCHU: Kwanwu, Huang 117. MIAOLI: W side of Chunghsuehshan, Tateishi et al. 21189. TAICHUNG: Pahsienshan, Liu et al. 425; Anmashan, Kuo 7755. NANTOU: Tungpu-Tuikuan, Hsieh et al. s. n. CHIAYI: Heishana-Jujiro, Hayata s. n.; Alishan, Sasaki s. n. KAOHSIUNG: Qishan, Yamamoto & Mori s. n. HUALIEN: Sakahen-Kirai Tencho no dangai, Nakamura 4968. TAITUNG: In taito-montibus, Yamamoto 1021.
共有 29 份典藏標本 所有標本模式標本
Hsieh, Tsou, Yang, etc.
南投 Nantou
台北 Taipei
郭城孟 C.M.Kuo
台中 Taichung
高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan
高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan
高木村 M.T.Kao
宜蘭 Ilan
高木村 M.T.Kao
台北 Taipei
Liu, Kou, Kao, etc.
台中 Taichung
Liu, Kou, Kao, etc.
台中 Taichung
H.Keng, Kao
台北 Taipei
H.Keng, Kao
台北 Taipei
H.Keng, Kao
台北 Taipei
H.Keng, Kao
台北 Taipei
中村泰造 Nakamura-Taizo
花蓮 Hualien
山本由松 Yoshimatsu Yamamoto, 森邦彥 Kunihiko Mori
高雄 Kaohsiung
鈴木時夫 Suzuki-Tokio
台北 Taipei
鈴木時夫 T.Suzuki
台北 Taipei
鈴木時夫 T.Suzuki
台北 Taipei
山本由松 Y.Yamamoto
花蓮 Hualien
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
台北 Taipei
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
台北 Taipei
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
嘉義 Chiayi
鈴木重良 S.Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
宜蘭 Ilan
佐佐木舜一 S.Sasaki
台北 Taipei
台北 Taipei
川上瀧彌 T.Kawakami
新竹 Hsinchu
鈴木重良 Sigeyosi Suzuki
共有 1 份典藏標本所有標本模式標本
台北 Taipei